Camp Vamonos! is currently accepting registrations for Summer Camp 2025
Please call (512) 770-7789 or e-mail Megan at for additional information.
At the following three links you will find the paperwork required for enrollment. The forms at all three links are required! There is one page at the first link and more at the second, but most of them are quick to fill out. Please fill out one entire set of forms for each child if you have more than one attending!
Make checks payable to Megan Baker.
Payment Policies
Spring Break and Summer Camps
- Your child’s space will be reserved once a non-refundable deposit of 50% has been received. If and when changes in scheduled weeks are requested, I will be happy to make them when they will not make substantial work for me or cost me an enrollment; no refund of the deposit will be given for cancellations. Thank you for your cooperation!
- Payment may be made by cash or check payable to Megan Baker.
- Full payment is due the child’s first day of attendance, no exceptions.
- Cost of camp is $210 per week. This includes fees for activities and public transportation.
- Please be mindful that, like other camp directors, I run a summer camp to make a living and pay for my house, and I work very hard at it. If at any time you pull out of any weeks that you have committed to and for which I am expecting payment, the full balance for those weeks which I cannot fill will be owed. Please do not expect childcare if you are not prepared to make full payment for all unwanted weeks which have not been filled by other campers. This policy is non-negotiable. Thank you